‘Enthesopathies – Knowledge Update’ (LEVEL10 Buchverlag, English) by Dr Ulrich Dreisilker, the 11th volume in the successful reference book series ‘Shock Wave Therapy in Practice’, will be published at the beginning of November 2020. The new edition of the reference work ‘Enthesiopathien/Enthesiopathies’, which was published in 2010, provides an updated review of the use of orthopaedic shock wave therapy.
The extended new edition is divided into two sections: one informative and the other practical. The first section describes the physico-technical differences between focused shock waves and radial pressure waves, and addresses topics including diagnostic tools and general principles of treatment. The subsequent practical section updates the reader on the long-standing and newer indications as well as their (combined) treatment with shock and pressure waves. Numerous colour illustrations and graphics facilitate understanding. Both experienced and novice shock wave users stand to benefit from the author’s valuable advice. A foreword by German DIGEST Secretary General Dr Martin Ringeisen complements the publication.
Dr Ulrich Dreisilker is a specialist in orthopaedics, sports medicine and chirotherapy. He has been administering shock wave therapy for more than 25 years and was instrumental in its development. Dreisilker is co-founder of the DIGEST e.V. – the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale Stoßwellentherapie e. V. (German Society for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) – and was formerly its president and a member of its board of directors.
‘Enthesopathies – Knowledge Update’ will be available from early November and can be ordered by sending an email to
Dr Ulrich Dreisilker
Enthesopathy – Knowledge Update
160 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-945106-12-9

Jetzt informieren: Level-books.com